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Start creating the life you want today!


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I offer classes and events via zoom to allow my clients to learn topics that will help them on their journey and learn to master their lives! You CAN have what you want! Classes coming soon!

June 24th 9:00 Est
Join me on Facebook live at Pj's Psychic Intuitive Guidance and Mediumship for a FREE full moon ceremony.  We will begin to create the life YOU deserve! Our focus is on releasing things in our lives that is no longer serving us! Bring strips of paper, pen and a way to burn the papers in a safe manner.  I will also be teaching you how to make moon water and charge your crystals. YOU are important and deserve to makes some time for you! Set aside some time to join us!  

June 10th 7:00pm Est
Join me on Facebook live at Pj's Psychic Intuitive Guidance and Mediumship for a new moon ceremony!  It is free to all!  Bring a pen, paper, candle or crystal
to charge to manifest your intention.  We will set out intentions to create the life we want today! 

MAY 26th 9:00PM EST
Join me on facebook live at PJ's Psychic Intuitive Guidance and Mediumship for a Full Moon Ceremony.  I will teach you how to make moon water, to charge your crystals and we will do a release of anything that is no longer serving you.  Just as the moon influences the ocean, we also are influenced by the energy of the moon.  COST:  FREE

How to Rewrite Your Story!


Find a quiet place to get started,  Grab your favorite drink such as a cup of coffee, tea or water.  You may want to light a candle.  I would choose a white candle.

  1. Step one:  Sit quietly and close your eyes.  Think back to your childhood and remember as far back as you can to the moment that you believe was the time that caused you to have a negative experience.  Start from as early as you can remember and just let the memories come to you.  Try to remember the details as vividly as you can making the memories tangible.  Engage your senses in your memories.  It is important not to get stuck on a single memory.  Try to keep moving through your story.
  2. Step two: Write down the story of your life hitting all the moments that are meaningful.  It could be relationships with people, events, or something that you noticed or learned about yourself and the world.  Perhaps something happened that shifted your beliefs and changed your sense of identity.  It is important to write down anything that caused the course of your life to develop in a way that it is today.  Write for no more than 15 to 20 minutes and not more than 4 pages.  
  3. Step three:  It is now time to discover the theme of your story.  Take a few minutes to read your story.  What are the most common action words or verbs that you read.  This will be your theme that shows up in your story.  Circle the in another color of ink, the most powerful words, feelings or action words that you find in your story.  Let your emotions flow as this could be a release for you,
  4. Step four:  Give your story a name but be sure that it is a name that you do not like. If this was a movie or book, what would you call your story?  What name matches your story that you just but isn’t a name that you desire?
  5. Step five:  It is now time to change the theme of your story.  What theme would you like your story to have?  Pick something that empowers you!  Pick something that feels inspirational or powerful to you?  Write down the new theme and title down on your paper.
  6. Step six;  It is now time to rewrite your story.  Take the time to revisit your story from the new theme and title.  Only spend 15 o 20 minutes and a maximum of 4 pages to rewrite your story from a perspective of the new title and theme.  It is important not to hide or lie about anything,  It is important to try to reframe the story from the new perspective.  For example, if your new perspective is life is an exciting adventure, ask yourself what this event meant to you under the new theme of life is an exciting adventure.  
  7. Step seven:  Let your story rest and then rewrite it again.  It is important to put your story aside for a few days.  Then, go back and reread your story.  Go through the process again and keep adjusting the story so that you are empowered but honest to yourself in regards to the story.  

As difficult as the process may be try enjoy he process because this is about reinventing yourself and taking back YOUR power over your life!  It can be challenging  but a beautiful rewarding process!


It is in owning your story and creating it into a meaningful, empowering story while keeping it authentic that we find happiness, life satisfaction and fulfillment but also a positive relationship with oneself.


In the words of Wayne Dyer, “If we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”



Yesterday I spent the day at Holistic Charms psychic fair and helped some people with life stuff through readings.  The reoccurring theme of the day was about believing that we ARE enough.  So many times we are our worst critic by the loop of self talk that we play in our heads!  We are not enough.  We aren't pretty, smart enough, liked by others, don't fit in or whatever plays in YOUR head.  We all have that loop of self talk but I want to talk about changing it.  You see you ARE enough, you are smart, you are pretty, you are liked by others and if you don't fit in, you haven't found your people! So let's change this!  If I could do one thing for you or have one wish for you is that you realize that that loop is just a loop and it isn't true!  We can be our worst enemy.

So lets begin to change that loop by changing our thoughts. At first it will be hard.  At first, it may seem not worth the time.  But, it WILL change your life.  So, where do we begin!  We begin with catching ourselves in the loop.  When you do, you need to say CONTROL ALT DELETE!  Just like on our computers when we want to delete something.  Then I want you to say the thought in a positive way.  Maybe if your thought is "wow, that was dumb of me!  I cant believe I forgot my wallet at home"

Do you know what you think about expands?  So when you think, that was dumb of me, you are sending out a negative vibration to the universe and you will get back that same energy. More things will happen to support that thought.   So maybe something else happens and you say, "well, see I was right.  I am dumb!  I didn't catch the math error and now I am tight on money this week."  Then the universe sends that back to you in another way.  Maybe someone calls you dumb! And this keeps spiraling and spiraling like a self fulfilling prophecy! 

So instead, when that negative thought comes you need to turn it around with a positive statement and in the present moment.  I am smart! I am going to put my wallet by my keys next time so I will remember my wallet.  See that is a smart thing to do so I can have everything I need.  You have turned the negative thought into a positive one.  You have stopped the loop of negativity and now the universe will send you positive energy about being smart and you will never have the experience of the math error in your budget because you caught it and you will never have someone calling you dumb because you didn't send that out into the universe. What will happen is you will begin to get energy back confirming how smart you are.  Maybe you will get comments like " wow, that was really smart of you to suggest that" from a co-worker.  Maybe you will do well on a test for school.  Maybe you will begin to set into motion things that you find you are really good at.  All because of your thoughts. If you don't believe me, TRY IT!  As it IS this simple!  But sometimes simple things can be the hardest to do because we HAVE to believe in ourselves.

We create our life with our thoughts.  If you don't like something about your life, then change your thoughts to create what you do want.  Take a few minutes today and write down all the things you want to manifest in your life.  Or just pick one or two.  Write those down in a positive statement.  I have more money coming into my bank account than going out.  I have a healthy, strong relationship in my life.  Say these statements out loud and repeat daily. 


How I knew I was Intuitive?

When I was in college, I was laying in bed one night and had these horrible thoughts about fire. I was always extremely fearful of fire and just thought it was my mind running away with me. I made a mental plan of escape from my dorm which included a washcloth over my mouth to help with breathing in smoke and went to bed. RING! RING! RING! Blared my phone by my bed. I picked it up to hear my mother's voice on the other end of the phone. She told me that my 8 year old nephew just died in a house fire and he tried to escape but accidentally chose the bathroom instead of the outside door to escape. It was the wrong door! He put towels under the door to keep the smoke out. He died of smoke inhalation.

Years later, I was teaching in a public school and had a dream that my co-worker was going to have a house fire. I went to work the next day and when I saw him, I immediately remembered the dream. I said you are going to think I am crazy and told him about the dream! I said I just feel compelled to tell you that you need to be careful with fire. His eyes got huge and told me that last night he and his finance' were having an intimate moment and lit candles prior. He said they fell asleep and woke to the doilies on the dresser on fire from the candles!

I started a new class and my principal told me that I needed to obtain royalty information in order to perform our show. I was teaching show choir. I didn't think we needed permission but I made the contact anyway. I was extremely nervous because we were already 3/4's in the creation of the show and being told we couldn't perform would look bad on my part and be extremely bad for relationships with students and parents. I was very worried. I was waiting for a reply from the company and while waiting I could hear them talking about it in a meeting with several people. I was in the middle of the United States and they were on the east coast many, many miles away. But I could hear them discussing it. It was confirmed later when they got back to me and told me of their discussion and that royalties were not needed. It was exactly what I heard.

Soon I would just know things. I would know that my son got a job before he called me. I would say out loud, he got the job and then the phone would ring and it would be him telling me he got the job! This kind of stuff started to happen more and more.

Students in my classroom would start to do something in class and I would say please don't do that. They would reply with how did you know I was going to do that! I would often text my older children asking them if they were okay because I got a feeling that they were not okay and learned that something had happened.

When I got intentional about my gifts, things really started to open for me. One day I was eating breakfast alone in a restaurant and a 20 year old boy asked me to tell his mom that he loved her. He was killed in a car crash and wanted me to give her this message. I knew exactly who he was referring to immediately as I looked around the room and she was sitting at a table with about 6 other people. He really wanted me to get this message to her because he knew she was struggling.

Another young man died of cancer and asked me to give a message to his mom. He said she was having a horrible day. I wrote down the message and saved it. I asked him to get her to talk to me. After receiving his message, I opened up my Facebook page to see her post at the top of my page. She indeed was really struggling with the loss of her son just like he had said.

I didn't choose to start this business. I actually was afraid of it! I didn't believe in this kind of thing! However, my gifts kept growing. Through meditation, I asked what is my purpose and what does the Universe want me to do! I heard WRITE! I also heard help others through your gifts. I retired from teaching and decided that I would open a small business to help others with messages to help improve a clients life or to deliver messages from a loved one who has passed away.

I asked the Universe how can I serve and this is what I was told.

Help others.

So I am.