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Mediumship Reading

Ask questions regarding passed loved ones. Recieve answers to questions about love, the past, the future, and much more. I offer guidance through intuitive messages from the Universe or God to help you with questions in your life. It will help you grow, heal and know you are on the right path. In-Person or Zoom.

What is intuition?  As a psychic I often receive messages that come to me through words I hear, thoughts that pop into my mind, things I see through meditation, and just a knowing about things.  When I read tarot or am asked a question, I receive intuitive messages that I will share about your questions.  A lot of people feel that this is whoo whoo stuff but in reality it is just quantum physics!  It is science!  Albert Einstein discovered what he called spooky entanglement.  We've all seen E=mc2.  What does that mean?  Well E is energy = mass times the C which is the speed of light squared.  To simplify things,  Energy can be transmuted faster than the speed of light and when taped into this energy as a psychic, we can receive energy telepathically or what Einstein calls Spooky entanglement.  Now, I have simplified this into a few sentences in terms that everyone can relate to so just know that it is quite scientific and in depth.  But everyone has intuition.  Have you ever had a gut feeling to find out you were right. That is intuition.  You just knew something.  There are many ways to get messages but that is too long to put here.

Medium messages:  This is when I connect with loved ones that have passed away.  I am using Einstein's spooky entanglement in Quantum Physics to receive these messages.

Services Pricing

$50 for 30 minutes

To Schedule:

Call: (614) 636-1972

Email: PjsIntuitiveGuidance@gmail.com