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In person Reiki is energy healing that can help with relaxation and help reduce stress.  The reason we get sick is due to stress.  When our immune system is managing stress it can't fight the viruses, colds and other acute illnesses and the body becomes out of balance.  If out of balance for longer periods of time, then the illness becomes chronic.  Reiki helps to reduce stress and enable the body to engage in its natural ability to heal.  See Reiki video for more information.

Would you like to learn Reiki?  Individual or group classes are available, please reach out for more information.  

Services Pricing

$50 for 30 minutes

$80 for 1 hour

$120 for 90 minutes

$150 for 2 hours

To Schedule:

Call: (614) 636-1972

Email: PjsIntuitiveGuidance@gmail.com